23 Poštovane dame i gospodo, dragi gosti! Osobito mi je zadovoljstvo što vas mogu pozdraviti i zaželjeti vam ugodan boravak u ime grada Umaga i svoje osobno ime. Toplo zahvaljujem svima koji su doprinijeli tome što je Umag još jednom odabran za održavanje ovako značajnog turnira kao što je MT400 ITF World Tennis Masters Tour – International Championships Of Croatia, Umag i MT700 ITF World Tennis Masters Tour – GMP CUP Umag. Umag je grad turizma, sporta i obiteljskog odmora upravo zbog svoje prekrasne okolice i krajolika u kojima se nadam da ćete i Vi uživati. Stoga svima vama želim puno osobnih sportskih uspjeha, ugodne trenutke i doživljaje koji će vas potaknuti da se vratite u naš grad Umag. Vili Bassanese Gradonačelnik grada Umaga Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear guests, It is my great pleasure to greet you and wish you a pleasant stay on behalf of the town of Umag and my own behalf. I warmly thank everyone who contributed to choosing Umag as the host of yet another important tournament such as the MT400 ITF World Tennis Masters Tour - International Championships of Croatia, Umag and the MT700 ITF World Tennis Masters Tour - GMP CUP Umag. Umag is a town of tourism, sports and family holidays because of its beautiful cityscape and landscape, which I hope you will enjoy as well. I wish all of you lots of personal sporting success, pleasant moments and experiences which will encourage you to come back to Umag. Vili Bassanese Mayor of Umag GRADONAČELNIK UMAGA MAYOR OF UMAG VILI BASSANESE